Blog #6: Pictures throughout the summer!

 On this blog post I will post the collection of pictures I have from throughout my internship! There will be a combination of photos from the field and lab. Enjoy!

Here is a picture of me doing tick drags early in the summer. We wore white suits to catch any ticks that might've hopped on to us. 

Office shot! A beautiful field of (I think) Ostrich Ferns. 
A cool little Leopard frog I saw in the field! The green highlights are amazing. 
A real pretty wood frog from the field!
Take a look at this Tiger Swallowtail butterfly. Fanning out its wings just for this picture!
A cute little salamander found while tick dragging!
From the lab, this is something called a 'Pseudoscorpion'. Kinda looks like a scorpion, hence the name. 
I thought this was a beautiful shot in Norwich
Vermont. This was taken in Groton State Forest, which is the second largest plot of land managed by the state of Vermont. 

I found this landscape to be gorgeous. Pictured in Victory Vermont, this was perhaps the most remote site I visited.  
At the same site in Victory, I saw moose tracks. Sadly, I did not see a moose. 
I took a bit of break to enjoy the blue waters of the white river. So pretty and so serene. 
Here is a picture of a VERY full CDC light trap. Look at all those mosquitos. 
This little guy is a 'Psorophora ferox'. The ferox is a very cool species of mosquito. This image does not do this organism justice, because the ferox has unique purple-ish scales. You can kind of see the purple show up on the abdomen. Another identifying factor of the ferox is its two front legs have socks, or white tips! You can see this in the bottom left of the photo. 
Here is a cicada molt from this years cicadas!
Parasites exist even on mosquitos. The little orange blobs are in fact parasites that have chosen this mosquito as a host. 

These are the highlights pictured from my internship! I hope you enjoyed!


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